Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Weave Seed

Weave Seed
Energy Cost: 5
Play Weave Seed only before your Attack step. Choose a Weave Creature. Add seven energy to the chosen Creature. That Creature can attack an additional time this turn and must attack if able.

The Card by Itself:
This time, there’s really not too much to say. Yes, this effect is good. Yes, if you plan on attacking at any point (you know, to win the game) you should probably at least strongly consider playing one or two or three of this card. It’s pretty dominating. The only issue with it is that it’s a bit on the expensive side, but the effect is worth spending for. 

Side note, this Spell doesn't really work Creatures that can't attack normally, like Uwamar. You can still add the energy to them, but they don't suddenly get to smash face. Unfortunately. =(

The Card in Context:
A few Creatures and Magi make Weave Seed even spicier. Blade Hyren has an attack trigger, but it’s Blade Hyren. He’s probably big enough already since he’s gobbling up all your other Creatures’ energy. We’ll come back to him when I do The Hunt.

The typical Weave smash-face plan of attacking with Junjertrugs gets better when you use Weave Seed. Junjertrug attacks twice and gains 11 energy all for the cost of five (plus the Junjertrug). That’s six free energy and probably two opposing cards.

Attacking twice with a Vuryip is pretty good too. Random Change will net you two extra cards on your turn, which you then have a Play Creatures and a Powers/Spells/Relics step to play and use. The Vuryip will probably survive, might be at low energy, and then will net you another card if they attack him back.

I think the coolest interaction with Weave Seed is to cast it on a Seaweed Lascinth. You get to keep a whole bunch of energy in play and kill two enemy guys dead.

As far as Magi go, Kesia plays Weave Seed for a measly three energy, giving you four free energy when you cast the Spell instead of just two. The recurring theme there is that Kesia is you know, pretty good. More interesting is Ushi, who can use Motivate to turn all her Creatures with Weave into Junjertrugs, which we already know to be good with Weave Seed. Sure, that combo costs seven energy which is more than her energize, but it’s pretty fun nonetheless.   

Also, if you’re using Rayje in a Weave deck for some reason, his Effect – Charge will help the fatty-boom-boom stay chunky even after battling twice.

Other Stuff:
Flavor Text: “That’s-a one-a spicy weave-a seed!” – Poad, Innkeeper

Really, the biggest strategic decision you need to make when casting Weave Seed is which thing to reference; the 1994 Jim Carey flick “The Mask” or this Alka Seltzer commercial I found on youtube from some time ago.


  1. Dude bro! You forgot to mention that Abwynn's Quill or Niffer can subvert this card for a mere 2 energy!! Only 1 energy if you're using the Quill and have Sylorum in play!!! Alternatively, you can use this card in an Arderial deck running Niffer (Niffer can even select Weave with her other effect to avoid regional penalties!) or the Quill and murderize people with your Orathan Fliers!

  2. So wait, not the Fliers. But like, you get an Aerial-fuckin-Flist in play with Storm Ring and you're good to go bro! Only once per game.
